Creating E-mail Templates

With Office 365 or Microsoft Outlook, you can create e-mail templates for student correspondence. This can be a helpful time-saver for those e-mails you repeatedly send to students: welcomes, course completion notifications, check-ins, frequently asked questions, etc. Even if you’ve already created sample messages and have them in a document, the time saved from accessing them via e-mail compared to finding the document and copy/pasting will add up.

Downloadable instructions for creating templates are in the link below. Thanks to Ashley Kuehl for writing these instructions!

How to Make Email Templates in Office 365

LinkedIn: Association for Distance Education and Independent Learning

ADEIL (Association for Distance Education and Independent Learning), an organization for people involved in distance learning, has a LinkedIn page. With its strong relevance to the kind of work we do, it’s a great professional group to join. You’ll find articles and opportunities posted, along with the chance to connect with a wider distance/independent learning community, at this link:

IL Update: Recording Grades in d2l

Happy New Fiscal Year! As of July 1, there are some updates in recording grades and hours.

1) For instructors teaching in d2l: recording grades in LRMS is no longer necessary. d2l (and, in the near future, Canvas) will be our only grade record for Independent Learning students. When a student has completed a course, please submit their final grade at:
Continued thanks for keeping your students’ grading records up-to-date!

2) It is no longer necessary to submit assignment re-submission information or course revision hours in the google forms. That work is now included in the new monthly pay structure.

We hope that these changes will help you spend more time teaching and less time record-keeping. If you have any questions about these transitions, please feel free to contact Program Director Sarah Korpi: