H5P Content Creation: Timeline

H5P offers course designers a wide variety of tools to create content. One of them, the timeline, allows you to make an interactive series of listings and events.

To make something like this, you first create a new account. From there, click on “My Account” on the top row of links, and then click the link to “Create New Content.” Select Timeline as the content type, and then add information for each item you’d like to add to your timeline.Here’s a sample. It contains a timeline that highlights some key performances in the history of rock and roll, with a YouTube link for each performance.https://h5p.org/node/487138

Interested in learning more about what you can create with H5P? Come to the IL Instructor Quarterly meeting this Friday at 1pm to hear more about it. You can also read previous IL posts with examples:https://courses.dcs.wisc.edu/wp/ilinstructors/2018/06/21/h5p-content-creation-image-hotspots/

Accessibility Webinar

We’ve recently shared some opportunities to learn more about accessibility (LinkedIn reading group, a free course), and if you’re looking for more, you can view the webinar in the link below. This is geared towards content creators, but there are great ideas for anyone working online to think about. This webinar shares a number of tools (including some in Microsoft Office) you can use to check how accessible the material you’re working with is.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9z-o-rLQTWo

ADEIL Webinar: How to Use Recite

ADEIL recently shared a short webinar on how to use Recite, a program to help manage references and citations within a paper. Whether you’re advising students with research papers or simply looking for a helpful tool for your own research, Recite can help eliminate errors as you list your sources.You can view the webinar here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mUM1oJ-110

Free Web Accessibility Course

If you’re interested in learning more about web accessibility (or like to go through online courses to put yourself into the shoes of our online learners), there’s a free online course that runs for 4 weeks, beginning April 8th. An excerpt from their registration page:
“This course will ‘interpret’ the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0), to make it easier to understand for a general audience. You will have an opportunity to experience barriers firsthand, then experience that content with the barriers removed, developing a practical understanding of web accessibility.”

You can find information at: https://de.ryerson.ca/wa/introduction/

On a related note, if you’re interested in discussing accessibility and online courses, be sure to check out the ADEIL LinkedIn discussions on the book Reach Everyone, Teach Everyone:https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8521464/

Evaluating Online Sources: Ukraine Classrooms and Fake News

While the internet can be a source of worthwhile information, students researching online need to be thinking critically about the information that they’re finding; just because it’s online doesn’t mean it’s true. Some teachers in the Ukraine, in the midst of online propaganda and misinformation with a civil war, have worked to increase students’ media literacy to spot misinformation and hate speech. You can read about those efforts in the following link:

We’ve previously shared an online research activity (link below) about using and evaluating online sources. What have you found helpful to teach students how to critically think about the information they’re finding online?