Want to help plan a virtual conference?

ADEIL, the Association for Distance Education and Independent Learning, will be hosting a virtual conference later this year, and they’re recruiting members for the planning committee.

Would you like to help plan this organization’s first virtual conference? You can contact ADEIL member Aisha Haynes: haynesa@email.sc.edu

Need to archive anything from your old d2l courses?

After June 30, UW personnel will lose access to the older versions of our courses in d2l Brightspace. This will not affect our instruction, as we’ve been instructing in Canvas for some time now. However, if there’s anything you’d like to save (especially if it’s from a course that hasn’t been offered since the Canvas migration), like reading lists, notable discussions, assignment prompts, syllabi, etc, they will disappear in the near future.

Michael G Moore interview

Last month, UW Madison shared a Q & A with Michael G. Moore, a pioneer in distance education. You can read the interview here:

Moore was to receive an honorary degree from UW-Madison at the 2020 Spring Commencement; that honorary degree will be conferred December 2020.