Writing Labs

Many schools have writing labs that offer assistance with proofreading and revision.  Some labs provide these services via email and Skype, and so distance and travel time need not be barriers. Taking the time to have the writing-lab staff review our work, can result in substantially improved revision.

Even if personal feedback from a writing lab is not an option, we can nonetheless benefit from the excellent, open-educational resources Online Writing Labs (“OWLs”) provide.  These include:

The University of Wisconsin-Madison Writing Center’s “The Writer’s Handbook,” http://www.writing.wisc.edu/Handbook

Utah Valley’s Writing Center’s Handouts:  https://www.uvu.edu/writingcenter/handouts/index.html

The Purdue University Online Writing Lab’s “General Writing Resources,”    https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/section/1/


Last revised on November 25, 2019.