
Al igual que inglés, un sustantivo (o un nombre) es una cosa, un lugar, una persona, un objeto, un número, o una idea. Si se puede nombrarlo, es muy probable que sea un sustantivo. Hay sustantivos comunes, como el lápiz, la rodilla, la fotografía, o propios, como Madrid, los García, el Caribe.

Los sustantivos son de género masculino o feminino en español. Además, pueden ser singulares o plurales dependiendo del contexto. Los artículos definidos (el, la, los, las) y los indefinidos (un/o, una, unos, unas) corresponden al género y número del sustantivo. Se explicarán los conceptos de género y número a continuación.

Consulte estos recursos para ver muchos ejemplos de sustantivos:

Last revised on July 17, 2019.


Last revised on October 4, 2017.


Last revised on November 15, 2017.


Last revised on November 15, 2017.


Last revised on November 15, 2017.


Last revised on November 15, 2017.


A noun is a term that names a person, place, thing, or notion. Examples for each are mailman, office, ball, and hope, respectively. Nouns can be categorized as common or proper, count or mass, singular or plural.

A noun that denotes a specific person, place, thing, or notion is called a proper noun. Proper nouns in English are always capitalized. Examples of proper nouns are Marie, Paris, and December.

Nouns that do not denote a specific person, place, or thing are called common nouns and they are never capitalized. Examples include friend, ocean, and building. A noun that is formed using two or more words is called a compound noun. Airplane, South America, Walt Disney, and basketball are examples of compound nouns.


  • In May, Alexandra will graduate from college and move back to New York.
  • When the spacecraft launched, the crowd went wild.
  • The tourists spent the day roaming around the bustling city.
  • Sixteen ounces equals one pound.
  • Which do you think is more important: love or money?
Last revised on June 21, 2019.