
Adverbs are words that describe verbs, adjectives, or even another adverb. Adverbs can be categorized as adverbs of degree, manner, place, or time. If you don’t recognize these categories, don’t worry. A simple way to determine if you have an adverb is to figure out if it answers one of the following questions: 

  • How much? (adverb of degree)
    • They did enough work to fulfill the requirement. 
      • How much work did they do? Enough. The adverb is enough
  • How? (adverb of manner)
    • The child methodically writes her name. 
      • How does the child write her name? Methodically. The adverb methodically describes the manner in which she writes. 
      • Often these adverbs end in -ly: happily, slowly, patiently, etc. 
    • I walked quickly to the store. 
      • How did I walk? Quickly. The adverb is quickly. 
  • Where? (adverb of place)
    • We put the clothes there. 
      • Where did we put the clothes. There. The adverb is there
  • When? (adverb of time)
    • I am going to the game today. 
      • When am I going to the game? Today. The adverb is today. 

A common mistake in the English language is the misuse of the words good and well. Good is an adjective so it can only describe nouns. Well is an adverb so it describes verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.

  • Our team had a good game, and I played well.
    • Game is a noun, and good is the adjective that describes it.
    • How did I play? Well. This is an adverb of manner used to describe the verb played.


Last revised on July 1, 2019.