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Syntax Untangler Instructor Tools
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Frequently Asked Questions
Syntax Untangler
Instructor Tools
Create Account - Step 1
Your e-mail address
You must be able to read your e-mail at this address in order to finish creating a
Syntax Untangler
account. Your address will not be shared or published.
Invent a username
This will identify you if you choose to collaborate on writing Syntax Untangler content with other users, and you will be greeted this way each time when you visit
Syntax Untangler
Instructor Tools. Your username must only contain lowercase letters, numbers, underscore _, or plus +, and no spaces. It must be between 5 and 15 characters long.
Invent a password
Must be between 8 and 20 characters long. Record or memorize it
. You cannot retrieve this later.
Spam-prevention code
Please type the letters and numbers printed in the image. This test helps prevent bad people from unleashing their spam-generating programs against
Syntax Untangler
. If you can't read it, use your browser refresh/reload button to get a different one.